“Finally. Gala.” is the motto of the grand finale of the eighth edition of Papaya Young Directors, slated to take place live on July 2, 2021.
For the past two years, most movie industry events and conventions have happened solely online, and the last award ceremony open to the public took place in the fall of 2019. According to organizer declarations, the grand finale of this year’s Papaya Young Directors will be the first major festival event to bring advertising professionals, filmmakers, and creatives together face to face since the pandemic first broke out. For that reason alone, consider saving the date and making your summer plans around it.
This year’s edition is smashing all our previous records—we received over 1,600 submissions, 30% of which came from abroad. The total number of movies produced throughout this year’s edition will be 31. We’ve also expanded the jury with new, international experts from the film and advertising industry. The honorary jury included Agnieszka Holland, Allan Starski, and Martin Ruhe.
Check back soon for more information at: www.papayayoungdirectors.com
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