Ten Films in a Single Trailer. Famous Actor Edited a Fan Trailer for the Star Wars Saga27.02.2019
Topher Grace, known for his turn as Eric in "That 70s Show" (1998-2006) and his recent performance in the Academy Award-nominated 2018 feature "BlacKkKlansman", likes to spend his free time in the company of his editor friend, Jeff Yorkes. And given their love of Hollywood blockbusters, it should come as no surprise that the two are fond of remixing and reediting them.
After stitching a single two-hour-long movie from the three installments of "The Hobbit" trilogy (the original trilogy ran over nine hours long), the two enthusiasts set their sights on the Star Wars saga. Grace and Yorkes first condensed the original trilogy into an 85-minute-long film, and then took footage from all ten installments of the saga and edited it together into a five-minute-long trailer offering a new narrative spin on the popular story.
I don’t know what other guys do. Go fishing? For me, this is just a great way to relax. There’s something really zen about it.
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