Introducing the RADICALS15.10.2018
Papaya.Films is always on the lookout for new faces in the cinematic arts whose entry into the world of advertising always brings a breath of fresh air and a spirit of innovation. It is with great pleasure that we’d like to introduce the RADICALS, a group of young, promising directors and camera operators. Each member of the group has extensive experience working in film – aside from ads and short films, the RADICALS have been involved with producing music videos and visuals for live music performances. Our artists, however, transcend pure filmmaking – they’re simultaneously developing additional journalistic, editing, photographic, and animation skills. We believe that they will be the vanguard that will create the media of tomorrow.
A part of the RADICALS team is already busy working on new advertising content for Papaya.Rocks, mostly on PZU and Mastercard campaigns.
Who’s part of the group?
Katarzyna Sawicka – with a keen eye for beauty and detail, this director made her first steps in the film industry at the Łódź Film School. Directed numerous music videos for recording artists from Poland and abroad. The videos she directed for BOKKA and Oly. were showcased at the 2017 and 2018 editions of the prestigious SXSW Festival at Austin, Texas.
Kamila Tarabura – highly versatile director of short films, music videos, and commercials, always open to innovative ideas. Frequent assistant director, worked with many highly acclaimed directors, including Maciek Bochniak on Disco Polo, and Janek Komasa. Graduate of the Warsaw Film School.
Weronika Tofilska – graduate of the British National Film and Television School, deeply fascinated with storytelling. Highly acclaimed director of short films and commercials for the British market. Collaborated with brands like Galaxy and HP. Together with Academy Award- and BAFTA-nominated producer Chris Hees, she is currently involved in developing a feature film titled The Fall.
Marta Kacprzak – animator, director, photographer. Designed the visuals for live musical performances, which she developed in collaboration with Agnieszka Holland, Krystyna Janda, and Magdalena Cielecka, for highly acclaimed recording artists such as Organek. Currently involved in designing the visuals for Dawid Podsiadło’s upcoming tour. In her work, she draws primarily from her extensive experience in the visual and postproduction arts.
Nono Ayuso – Spanish director with extensive experience in journalism. Resides in London. His commercial projects received numerous awards and accolades and were showcased at a number of industry festivals. Produced videos in Great Britain, China, Chile, Lebanon, Ecuador, and Kenya. Collaborated with a number of global brands, including Microsoft, Dove, Nestlé, and Yamaha.
Magdalena Zielińska – director and choreographer. Her short film featuring actor Josh Herdman, known primarily for his work on the Harry Potter franchise and the latest interpretation of Robin Hood, is currently making festival rounds. Collaborated with Documentary and Feature Film Studios, assisted directors in Poland and the UK. Recently collaborated with Torbjorn Martin on a commercial project. Graduate of the London University of the Arts. Currently working with Mateusz Kanownik on documentary features for Mastercard and PZU.
Mateusz Kanownik – camera operator with a degree from the London Film School, cinematographer, and Steadicam operator. His early filmmaking efforts focused on extreme sports. Gained much of his experience working on commercial projects and music videos in the UK. Recently developed a music video for UK-based artist Tahir and three short movies, currently making the rounds at various film festivals. A detail-oriented filmmaker, with a keen and inquisitive eye. His portfolio includes over 120 delivered projects.
Michał Palikot – camera operator and director. Most of his projects have been focused on mankind. Collaborated with Marta Kacprzak on designing the visuals for Organek’s live musical performances featuring Krystyna Janda, Agnieszka Holland, and Magdalena Cielecka. He also developed an upcoming online advertising campaign featuring Maffashion. His portfolio includes digital content produced for a number of major brands, including McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Dacia, Krakuski, Sizeer, Warka, and Ikea.
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