The best videos will be screened at the awards gala of the 2019 Papaya Young Directors competition, on June 12. Submissions for the Music Video category are open through April 10.
This year’s edition of the Papaya Young Directors will also be sponsored by Żywiec, with the brand represented by its Męskie Granie project. To celebrate the ten years of Męskie Granie, its parent brand decided to launch the Męskie Granie Young Competition. The two winning bands, Żurkowski and Robert Cichy, will join the annual Męskie Granie summer tour and will have their music videos shot and produced by Papaya Young Directors finalists.
Submissions for the Music Video category of PYD were opened soon after the winners of Męskie Granie Young were announced. As in the case of submission for the main PYD categories, filmmakers interested in participating in the Music Video category can browse the brief provided by Męskie Granie and the winnings bands after logging in to their accounts on—the main theme of the brief is “Ż muzyką,” an untranslatable play on the phrase “z muzyką” (“with music”) using the brand’s “Ż” symbol. Submissions will be open through April 10.
The submitted treatments will be judged by a panel comprising representatives of the advertising and music industries, directors, and music video producers. The selected videos will be screened at the PYD awards gala on June 12, and will compete with commercials submitted in the main category for the Grand Prix of the 2019 PYD competition and the 100,000 PLN prize pool.

Additional information for prospective participants:
- After submitting their ideas for the main category, participants can still submit separate ideas for the Music Video category.
- The Music Video category allows a maximum of two treatments per participating team.
- Ideas can be submitted individually or by creative duos.
- Participants have to be between the ages of 20-35.
For more info, visit
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